How protecting your daughter can lead you to being denied international protection in Belgium: On Rape Mythology, Delayed Disclosure, and Asylum

Blog post by Lore Roels, a PhD researcher (FWO fellow, 2021-2025) at the Migration Law Research Group (Faculty of Law and Criminology) and the International Centre for Reproductive Health (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences) at Ghent University (Belgium). This blog post is part of the blog series on feminist theory in legal displacement research.


Rekindling feminist approaches to legal displacement research: Introducing the 2023 blog series of the RLI Working Group on Feminist Theory and Displacement

Blog post by Natasha Yacoub, Chair of Feminist Theory and Displacement Working Group, RLI, University of London, Janna Wessels, Assistant Professor, Amsterdam Centre for Migration & Refugee Law (ACMRL), VU University Amsterdam, and Rosa da Costa, independent expert in refugee law..
