The Refugee Law Initiative is the only academic centre in the UK to concentrate specifically on international refugee law. As a national focal point for leading and promoting research in this field, the Refugee Law Initiative (RLI) works to integrate the shared interests of refugee law scholars and practitioners, stimulate collaboration between academics and non-academics, and achieve policy impact at the national and international level.
The RLI blog on Refugee Law and Forced Migration is designed to be a platform to publish content from our networks and students in a more conversational and informal setting than that of our other publications. We hope that the posts will be engaging and insightful, and welcome comments on the pieces.
The RLI blog is edited by Nick Banks (covering for Susan Reardon-Smith to September 2025), supported by a team of Assistant Editors who are all current or former students on the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies: Sarah Garthwaite, David Crane, Sophie Rees, Marco Puzzolo, Diana Roy, and Jack Bloomfield.
Contact Us:
Refugee Law Initiative
School of Advanced Study | University of London
Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU, UK