Refugee law between resistance and compliance: a reparative reading of a classic feminist struggle
Blog post by Irene Manganini. This post is part of the blog series on feminist theory in refugee law.
(more…)Blog post by Irene Manganini. This post is part of the blog series on feminist theory in refugee law.
(more…)Blog post by Hasna Khan, a Legal Fellow at the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention and Human Security.
(more…)Blog post by Janina Lehmann and Natalie Welfens *
(more…)Blog post by Megan Powell, Independent Researcher. *
(more…)Blog post by Amira Abouzeid, Migration Policy Practitioner and Fulbright Scholar at California State University, Long Beach. *
(more…)Blog post by Dr Céline Hocquet, Research Fellow, British Institute of International and Comparative Law *
(more…)Blog post by Paula Küppers *
(more…)Blog post by Dr Lorenzo Bernardini, University of Luxembourg
(more…)Blog post by Tamara Wood and Ahmed Elbasyouny *
(more…)Blog post by Mehreteab Ghebregergs. Mehreteab is the country manager for Ethiopia for the Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat (ReDSS). Mehreteab’s research interests include human rights, in particular in the context of displacement.